Acceptance conditions
The following categories of waste sheet glass are differentiated as follows at Vlakglas Recycling Nederland:
Combination glass (Mix of various types of sheet glass) |
Combination glass*
Clear float glass | Clear float glass
Clear laminated glass | Clear laminated glass
Contaminated sheet glass** Is NOT accepted |
Seriously polluted with contaminants listed below*** |
* Small amounts of sealant, putty and other fasteners are allowed.
** Laminated glass ( thicker > 30 mm) en laminated glass with polycarbonate are not allowed
*** The terms pollution and contamination cover all the material that prevents the recycling of sheet glass, including:
- heat-resistant glass: heat-resistant plates, ovenware, laboratory glass, glass panels for heaters or stoves, etc.
- glass used in bottles and lamps: glass packaging/hollow glass, glass used in lamps, fluorescent tubes, etc.
- ceramics, stone and porcelain such as gravel, bricks, tiles, etc.
- paper/wood: newspapers, books, cardboard, frames, construction waste, etc.
- bitumen-like materials: sealant, pitch, etc.
- plastic: frames, strips, beakers, etc.
- metals both ferrous and non-ferrous: frames, picture frames, metal strips, etc.
- waste: house and garden waste, silicone spray, glue, etc.
- substances and materials that are a danger to public health
- other contaminants: sand, earth or mud, sweepings etc.